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Saturday, May 29, 2004

Welcome to my soul ...

Well, I'm kinda stumble around to choose my blog name. At first I thought I'll put the blog at this one. Why? Because that's my nick "Lelet"; comes from Hamlet. But people sometimes just call me Lelet. In my language it means "slow to react" which is kinda representing me at some moment. Hehehe..

So I think it's better for me to 'book' this blog. Then I'll put a link to my original blog.

But I'm open to suggestions, if you think you can help me name my blog, feel free to leave in as comment. Anyway, thanks for passing by!

Who am I?

Good question! I don't know how to put it in good order or explanation. I'm an ordinary gay guy who likes spending time in front of the internet and computer (yes, you're right, Internet junkie. No, I'm not a geek or nerd).  Oh btw, this is my entire blog, will take you into another new page. I'm from Indonesia. I do speak English quite fluently and can write in English like a drunk poet does hehehe.. I'm a simple, extraordinary guy =P

I have an obsession of possesing books, mainly about porns science, politics, firearms. My biggest addiction is Ultima Online (you can read more about it at UO Stratics). Also there is a hidden obsession in me about poems and poetries. I've been writing and collecting them since I was very young. My fave pet is dogs even I haven't got any change to have any for my own. And recently (for the past one year and more, I love to eat. I mean eat really a lot). I'm a big fan of Japanese Cuisines. I also like loneliness, science, freedom and Manchester United.

My fave sports are basketball (even haven't played it for years), riding bicycle, chess and mahjong. And some other cards games but I don't like gambling.

Light blue, black, white, gray are my fave colors.

Winter or summer? Winter.

Beach, lake or mountain? Lake and mountain.

Music that can blows me away is slow musics, like Jim Reeves (ask your mum and dad), Elvis Presley (if you don't know him, I should send you back to the stone age), Billie Holiday, Janis Joplin, Natalie Merchant, Norah Jones, Eric Clapton, Dido, Enya, R.E.M., Dewa 19 (an Indonesian band).

TV shows I enjoy the most mostly are comedies such as Everybody Loves Raymond, Becker, Friends. And some other drama series like CSI, The Agency, 24. Also some other sci-fi movies like Star Wars, Babylon 5, Star Trek, SG-1.

Movies? Oh, I'm a movies lover. My fave movies are military theme, science and science fiction, medieval age, political movies and of course comedy-action movies (especially with Jackie Chan in it!) I'm a big fan of Tom Hanks, Sean Connery, John Travolta, Pierce Brosnan.

For reality TV show, I enjoy watching reality shows too, such as Survivor, The Apprentice. For talk shows, my choice goes to Late Show with David Letterman, and Oprah.

People will find me easy going but I don't like any misbehaviour like impolite or rude. It happens a lot when I took my first impression of someone to be taken into the rest of the relationship (wtf?!) hehehe.. I'm careless person who spend half of my time in clumsiness (doh!), but indeed I'm unique, a bit extrovert. Strange and lazy. I'm a thinker but you will only find it in some few occassions (hahaha...) Funny. Witty. Sometimes complicated. Freaking moody and can get cranky sometimes (please note the word "sometimes")
So, this hopefully will describe myself briefly. You can read my blog here. Thank you!